Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tabula rasa

I'm presently sitting in a round egg chair, hoping to passively restore shape to my bum, and undo all the flattening that happened over the course of all the driving I've done since Friday. I'm back in London for a few days for a wedding between good friends that happened this weekend. What with all that driving, I've had plenty of time over the last 72 hours to think, and have thought of at least three things that would make great blog topics. And right now I can't seem to remember a single one of them. Or maybe I can, but, upon sober second thought, no longer see how I might draw it out into a multiparagraph entry. The only thing that comes to mind right now is that I have recently redoubled (I guess that means it's an exponential function) my efforts to instill into Jude a healthy aversion to germs. A month ago, he experienced some gastrointestinal discomfort, plausibly related to eating a peanut-butter covered saltine cracker that had fallen to the ground at the Chicago zoo that day. The sore tummy remains a salient memory, and I took advantage of it to tell him about how bugs get on your hands and into your tummy, and that these bugs don't like soap. After only a day's worth of training, Jude now routinely scrubs down his hands and forearms, up to his elbow, like he's prepping for surgery. And just last week, we were listening to Chicago Public Radio as Jude helped me prepare dinner. On one program, they were talking about bacteria, which I told Jude was the name for the bugs that make your tummy hurt. Naturally, after learning about BACteria, he asked about FRONTeria.