Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Rebecca knits. So do a number of friends who have come to form a tricoterie. I don't knit, myself, on account of being a dude and all*, but I glean vicarious enjoyment out of sporadic knitting nights (now long overdue). I also gain direct enjoyment out of teasing Rebecca about just how extreme knitters can be. Take, for example, the fact that celebrities exist within the knitting subculture -- and I'm no anthropologist, but I'm sure that they qualify as a legitimate subculture; they even have their own cant.

So there's plenty of fodder for my amusement. Or, at least, there was until this week, when the knitting scene became just a little more edgy. As the world literally collapsed around 98 year old Maria D'Antuono, living at or near the epicenter of the earthquake that struck Italy earlier this week, she whipped out a pair of crochet needles and worked on a smart easter shawl.

Okay, knitters. You win. You're hardcore.

*Actually, being married to a knitter, one learns things like the fact that the earliest knitters were fishermen, who were arguably macho men -- just not iconically macho enough to make the cut for the Village People

The Village People, 1978. Now I can get random google traffic from people looking for The Village People. I feel like a spider in a web.


Toad said...

I agree, a knitting night is long overdue!

Traci said...

Chicks with sticks rock.