Tuesday, April 7, 2009


The title of this entry has nothing to do with anything I wanted to talk about, other than that I could perhaps mention that I made pancakes on Saturday afternoon just so I had a vehicle for the maple syrup that I bought at the sugar bush on a field trip with Jude's preschool. Mostly, I just wanted an excuse to use this image of a bunny with a pancake on it's head:
Heres a bunny with a pancake on his head
In researching this image, I learned that this brand of meme is called an image macro, so there you go: you learn something every day. I love those things.

Why the preoccupation with bunnies today? I blame it on a chain of subconscious associations, the last of which being the thought that 'I haven't written for a couple of days, and one of the bunnies needs something to read with her tea'. And then there was that discovery that half of my hits come from google images, so I figured I could thematically tie everything up in one nice, neat package.
One limitation of the format of this blog is that I don't often see comments that get posted to older entries; comments are hidden by default, so viewing them requires manually going back through my previous posts and viewing the comments for each entry individually. It wasn't until last night that I read some comments from the likes of Ed, Potassium, and Lead that were attached to posts that were several weeks old. There must be a better way...

For those who commented yesterday (Kilometer [KM], Terabyte [TB - hey, it beats tuberculosis] and Vanadium [V]), the fam is doing well. TBD is coming along nicely as far as we can tell, with about 7 weeks to go before the due date...

Is that right?!?!? Holy crap. Sorrygottagokbye

Update: I've had repeated hits from Malawi, spaced far enough apart that it seems to be deliberate. I don't know who's in Malawi, but "Hi!"


J said...

A BUNNY POST!! You have no idea how fabulous the tea drinking was this morning :) Perhaps tomorrow I will supplement with pancakes...