Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tee Hee

The other night, I was flipping through a book called The Dangerous Book for Boys that Rebecca had picked up, probably at Costco, probably before Jude arrived. It's full of all sorts of things that boys should know, such as how to tie various knots, write codes, and make water bombs. We also own the companion book, The Daring Book for Girls (and before you ask, no, that is not to be taken as an indication that Jude is going to be a big brother in the next year). I flipped through the pages of that book just now, and saw there was a section on washing cars. I noted a few omissions in that particular section; for example, there was neither specific mention of how to select the proper car-wash bikini, nor mention of at what point one is to turn the hose on her girlfriend, thereby starting a giggle-filled water-fight.