Saturday, July 4, 2009
I've so far resisted blogger/google's suggestion to "monetize" my blog, which, as I understand, involves the insertion of links in my blog's sidebar, in an attempt to lure my readers away with offers to "cut belly fat", or "get your diploma online". Frankly, I think that's just a bad idea, as I don't want to suggest that my readers are overweight and uneducated. However, I don't mind giving word-of-mouth endorsements for products or services that I like, or, as in this case, I find just bizarre. We have a costco membership, so we periodically receive booklets of coupons. One item, for sale only online, just blew my mind:
I suppose I could find a use for one of these things. The online catalog entry suggests it can also be used for detailing, and maybe it could be useful when doing an oil change. But - wow. I can't get my head around it. Half the stuff that lands in your cart during a Costco shopping trip are impulse buys. You go there for a year's worth of toilet paper and come out with Season 1 of Scrubs, and 2kg of chocolate covered almonds to eat while watching it. I can't imagine someone deliberately shopping for a car lift, so would this be an impulse purchase?
costco anticipates the needs you never knew you had = impulse buy = retail at its most creative
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