Monday, June 16, 2008


I was just filtering through my emails when I came across one that Amy had sent me that contained a link to the Cognitive Science Society website. Amy's got my back, so she has been sending me links to, and descriptions of potential postdoc positions. I had apparently not yet bookmarked the one at the Cognitive Science Society website, which is just as well because, in trying to find it, I discovered that the URL was no longer valid because the site has undergone some revision. On one hand, this is good, because it is now prettier than it was before the revision. On the other hand, the timing could have been better because I borrowed many of the design elements from the old website when I did the conference website for the CogSci08 conference. Not because I'm an unoriginal hack, mind you, but rather because I think continuity is important in maintaining the coherence of a website. That reusing graphical elements and even entire page templates makes your job easier is gravy. Anyways, all this is to say that I wish that the prettier CSS page was in place earlier so that I could have mirrored prettier graphical elements. I'm all about the pretty. Just ask my wife. She's pretty. Ka-Chow!

This just in: it looks like I will be simultaneously teaching and developing the former Psychology 282 (stats and research methods) course next year. Shoutouts go to Joan for finding herself in a scheduling bind that could only be solved by me doing both jobs.


Chris said...

Okay, I'm a bit of a hack.