Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I called my mom today to tell her a familiar story. Rebecca went to pick up Jude from preschool and the teacher told her that Jude was reading. The story is familiar because the same thing happened to my mom one day when she picked me up from preschool. I'd use this as an opportunity to boast about my superior genetic heritage, except that yours truly shaves his head as a way to cope with premature baldness, and can no longer run more than 50 yards without having an asthma attack. So, knowing this, my kids might want to take a pass on my genes if they're ever given the opportunity. Anyways, my mom was listening to her iPod and did not hear the phone ring, so I got the answering service. Living at that address are my mom, dad and oldest sister, Erin. Carrie just moved out at the beginning of the school year and the message hasn't been updated since. If you know the number, you might give it a call just to hear:
You have reached Rick, Donna, Erin ... and Carolyn. Sorry we can't come to the phone, etc.
The part that I always find funny is that pause between Erin (the 2nd born) and Carolyn (the 4th born) is very clearly my mom mentally skipping over Heather (the 3rd born), who moved out something like 10 or 12 years ago, whereas omitting me is apparently second nature to her. I'm not sure if I should be reading anything into this.
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