Sunday, February 10, 2008
Today, Rebecca and I went to Toys 'Я' Us (I get some pleasure out of making sure I get that reversed R character to display). Our niece and nephew keep fighting over a particular toy car from the Pixar movie Cars. My solution was to get a second one so they can both be happy. Rebecca said that makes me a good uncle. I disagree. I may be a good uncle, but that's not why. Rather, it's because I am so awesome at the XBox game Rock Band. We went into the electronics corral sort of on a mutual dare to buy a Wii. While loitering around, I saw the Rock Band game set up, and decided to try my hand at playing the drums, since I've always fancied myself to be innately talented where rhythm is concerned. Scrolling down the menu, I saw the song Creep, with which I am fairly familiar, so I thought I stood a decent chance of not making myself look foolish (or at least, moreso than necessary). This being the first time I ever played the game, and given that I am not actually a percussionist, I opted for the easiest setting. I think it was a bit too easy though, because the bass pedal line was missing most of the beats that I know are in the song. I didn't actually realize that there were bass pedal targets for the first half of the song, so, it wasn't until the Toys 'Я' Us employee pointed out that I was hitting the bass pedal too much that I started racking up the points. And rack them I did! Just ask the crowd that formed behind me. It was like a scene from a cheesy movie -- except I'm not a nerdy teen (was), and my garage band didn't win the school battle of the bands, and I already have the hot chick (Rebecca will likely not be getting $30 of roses from me this week, so this blatant move will have to do).
So, uh yeah. Now I want to play that bloody game again. Perhaps on medium difficulty (I need all the bass beats in there to help me keep the rhythm). I wonder if Heather's fiancee has it, or if I can persuade Kevin to invest in it...
I love drums. I will let Jude get drums if he wants them.
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