Monday, October 15, 2007
I got through the NSERC application process intact. It felt like I was on a holiday this weekend with that thing taken care of. Today I set about the task of doing some number crunching that Ken assigned me a couple weeks ago that had been on the back-burner. I had written some programs to do this before, and fortunately, I had backed them up. Unfortunately, I wrote them a few years ago, and can't get them to run on the new lab computer we got in about a week ago. If you're reading this, and know anything about XML/XSLT, please let me know (I'm talking to you, Morgan)!
Let's see, what else...hmm. I have a head cold. That's new. It's also not very excellent.
This past weekend, I played 10 minutes of hockey with what I took to be old friends. I'm hedging on that because I only played in the context of a really vivid dream I had on Sunday morning. I actually can't play hockey to save my life, mostly because I can't skate to save my life. However, in the dream, I was a competent skater, and believe me, hockey seems much easier when you don't have to worry about falling on your face or flying into the boards because you can't stop. So yeah, that was kind of fun. I seem to remember that Mike Szekeres and Jeff DeBruyne were there. That's all I got on that one. Unfortunately, it will probably be up to Jude's uncle to teach him how to skate. He'll only get encouragement for field sports like football or football (US) from me; I only know how to run.
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