Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Being like people

Rebecca and I have been blessed by a bounty of free babysitting this past week -- allowing us to afford us the opportunity to do pretty much whatever leisure activities we might care to do. All this free time has brought to our attention a small problem, however: we don't know what to do with it. I've never really known what the hell to do with myself in London, which may explain why my friends and I took to the sort of nerdy hobbies that consigned us to endless summer nights in basements. As for Rebecca, well, her brand of geekiness is of the musical variety, so much of her adolescence revolved around what had to be memorized for the next performance. So we now find ourselves unable to imagine what normal people do for entertainment. We feel a bit like aliens from outer space who landed here just last week and are trying our best to insinuate ourselves into normal human society. And I don't think we researched the topic well enough.