Thursday, June 17, 2010


I use Facebook as a distribution medium for my blog because that's where more than half the people who I try to keep amused get their fix. At least, I hope it's more than half, because I probably only average about three hits a day on the blog itself, and most of those hits are from people interested in a painting of the murder of Julius Caesar, a demotivational poster mocking popped collars, or trying to figure out what the deal is with CBC's Kate MacNamara. Because I owe facebook so much for helping me get my word out, it's only fitting that I make fun of it.

One of my pet peeves is the suggestion box that appears in the upper right hand corner when I sign in. On one hand, facebook has gone on the record as saying they only want you to add "real" friends. On the other hand, they keep suggesting that I might want to be friends with 13 year old friends of a second cousin, who I am sure are wonderful people, but honestly... It's also somewhat creepy when I get suggestions to contact the deceased, and until they release a seance application, I just don't see how it is going to work.

And the ads! I've questioned how they've attempted to monetize facebook in the past. It's pretty ballsy to expect people to rate ads -- "please show me more ads like this!" (and yet it happens). Here's a few ads I saw today:

I'm unclear what this graphic has to do with liking psychology. I suppose that the picture depicts a female wearing puffy outerwear, so I guess it does capture the demographic at my alma mater, but that's pretty subtle. And is that a green aura? I've had my PhD for over a year now, and my aura is nowhere near that visible.

ndex.cfm? You better believe it!

Okay, this one doesn't strike me as dumb as much as an opportunity to make some money as a low-volume importer during all those trips I make between Chicago and London.