Saturday, January 2, 2010

Higher Resolution

About an hour into the new year, I was asked if I had made any resolutions. In light of recent events, it appears that air travel is going to be even more inconvenient for the foreseeable future (readers whose initials are not HM should recall that I wrote about reactive security measures just a few short weeks ago). As I really hope to find myself interviewing for jobs in 2010, I can't see how I can possibly avoid the new measures to be imposed on flights over US airspace -- measures that are going to greatly change the way I fly. For one thing, I have gotten in the habit of packing lightly and bringing everything in carry on luggage. This ensures that my clothes arrive with me and that I don't have to spend any longer in the airport than is absolutely required. I'm not sure, but I also suspect that this also spells the end of listening to my mp3 player, solving sudoku puzzles and reading on the flight. Flights are going to be like the 3rd grade when the teacher got fed up with a rowdy class and told everyone to just sit there with their heads on their desks until the recess bell.

What does this have to do with the new year and my new year's resolution? Well, it seems that the TSA has forced my hand. By all accounts, full body scanners are going to be popping up everywhere. While they don't use X-rays, they do allow the scanner to see underneath my clothing, as in the individual pictured below, who looks like perhaps he takes Fallout just a little too seriously:

Because these body scans penetrate clothing, I'm going to have to make it my new year's resolution to get into better shape. I'm also going to sift through my spam folder for those male enhancement emails that I have been deleting up until now.