Friday, October 30, 2009

No sooner do I move to the US where I can finally watch reruns on Hulu when I find out that they're toying with becoming a paid service. Just my luck. Rebecca's able to catch up on Glee, which is pretty amusing. Marc's right though: they do make rather gratuitous use of the Auto-Tune. Perhaps it would be just too much to have actors that sing as good as they look. Where I'm concerned, the only valid use for auto-tune is in making humorous remixes, as in this brilliant slap-chop remix (brought to my attention by John and Panic):

I spent about forty minutes cleaning these pumpkin seeds only to scorch them when I put Jude to bed. Forty minutes. Considering I bought a bag of salted roasted squash seeds from the market last weekend for about $1.50 ... I don't even want to continue that thought.

Ooh! Shiny!

What was I talking about? Anyways, the family is getting better at going to church since we've moved here -- in part because fellow Catholics Amy and Gill were also raised with the belief that, if you don't go to church, it makes the baby Jesus cry. It's not just Catholic guilt driving us there, mind you. We also have a baby heathen in the house, and our home parish in London required us to take another pre-baptism course if we want to get the devil out of our baby. I'm not clear on what has changed in the last two years since Jude was baptised. In any case, I think we're doing pretty well at raising our kids in the church. For example, Jude now has very recently taken to roleplaying the mass. In his game, I am given a rolled up drawing and told to sit down on the church-pillow (which, I might add, is an absolutely brilliant idea and might be a reasonable starting place for Vatican III). As per his instructions, when Jude comes by with the wicker basket, I am to say "Oh Jesus" (emphasis on the oh, as though you just noticed your toilet is overflowing) and put the picture into the basket. And that concludes the mass, according to the Eastern Unorthodox rite.


effamy said...

I love Vince. that was hilarious. and now i want a slap chop