Thursday, August 18, 2011

Shot Down

I received a call from a telephone solicitor the other night. Ostensibly a wrong number, it went something like this:

Telemarketer: Hi, Mr. mumble-mumble?
Me: I beg your pardon?
TM: Mr. mumble something not my name
Me: I'm sorry, you have the wrong number.
TM: Well, can I just ask you, have you thought about upgrading your education?
Me: No, not really. I'm about as educated as you can get.
TM: Well, we offer a number of programs that can enhance your current ...
Me: No, I really don't think you can offer me any more education. I have a Ph D. They don't make anything that goes higher than that.
TM: (incredulously) You have a Ph D.
Me: Yes. Goodbye.

I'm almost certain he didn't believe me, but man, that felt really good.


effamy said...

excellent story.