Friday, June 17, 2011

Lady Drivers

From the title, you might expect this to be a tongue-in-cheek misogynistic entry. So you should read this, keeping in mind my strong affection for irony and absurd paradoxes.

I heard on the radio today that the women in Saudi Arabia were contemplating a new wave of Middle-Eastern rebellion. You see, an ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam sees is as inappropriate for women from getting behind the wheel of an automobile. This is understandably intolerable for these women, especially since gas in Saudi Arabia is less than $1 per gallon, so it must be like being a diabetic in Willy Wonka's factory. However, the women planned to protest by getting behind the wheel and driving around. Given that they are generally going to be unskilled drivers, does anyone else see a problem with putting thousands of Saudi women on the roads at the same time?