Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I got in from Tuesday night games session with the ladies at Amy's about 20 minutes ago. It ended earlier than usual as it immediately followed dinner, whereas we normally have to wait until the children are bathed and put to bed. I could have stayed later, I suppose, to help Amy dye Gill's hair, but in my mind, dying one's hair is best kept as a none-too-subtle brush-off, rather than an evening's entertainment for a tough guy like me. The rain had broken, so I took the opportunity to walk home (which indeed I had planned to do anyways before Gill phoned on her way to drive over). Much of the US and Canada is scorching hot this week, and here is no exception, so it was nice to have a chance to walk in the cool, albeit muggy, twilight. I had seen fireflies on just one or two occasions before moving here, and never in such numbers, so it was quite novel to see flickering lights appear to cascade before me as I walked down the dimly lit sidewalk -- it looked like what the movies have lead me to believe it would look like if a wizard had just enchanted the street.
This is where a photograph would go, if only I had Rebecca's camera handy.
So just before I left, we were talking about coin collections. Not in the numismatist sense, but in the emptying your pockets at the end of the day for weeks on end kind of way. I'd like to bring them to the bank, but it's hard to get them in nice, tight rolls. You can buy those pre-formed coin wraps, but that just doesn't sit right: once I spend my money on the coin wraps, what do I have to wrap? For the same reason, I will never buy myself a wallet.
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