Monday, August 18, 2008

It's not all bad

Ken is back from his vacation, and has sent back his revisions to my dissertation. As I expected, it's a little bit on the short side, but in a way that will allow me to expand on some points, rather than in a way that requires me to address a glaring omission. So I went ahead and notified Val of my intention to defend in September. That's right, baby, after 15 years of post-secondary education (less 18 months between 1997 and 1999 when I was working for Nelvana, then ThinkTank, then Polar), I am in the home stretch for my doctorate. I'll save the acknowledgments for later. On the whole, there's not as much red as I expected, so I feel emboldened -- so much so, that while Rebecca is away this weekend, I may just go down to the Ministry of Transportation and get my M1.

Speaking of -- ah hell, nevermind. I can't come up with a segue from Motorcycle licenses into tomato plants. Anyways, I had been meaning to blog about this little triumph of nature ever since I discovered it, but I felt the entry needed an accompanying photo. I still don't have the photo, so hold on just a second while I go out to the side of my house and take one...

Is that not crazy? A tomato plant randomly started growing beside the compost bin at the side of the house. As you can see from the second photo, they seem to be growing pretty damn well for plants that haven't been tended at all. You may not be able to judge the size of the fruits, so you'll just have to take my word for it that they're just a bit smaller than fist-sized. I'm just waiting for the things to ripen, then BAM! It's sammich time! Too bad bacon and lettuce plants didn't spontaneously grow alongside the tomatoes.