Thursday, January 10, 2008

Girly Man

For the last 10 minutes, I have been watching a program on HD Discovery Channel (because when you have an LCD tv, and are paying an extra $18/mo for HD, you damn-well ought to take advantage of it). The show was of the 'crazy man sticks himself in remote parts of the world and harasses wildlife' genre, so it had only limited appeal to me, since he's no Steve Irwin. Thus, I came upstairs to blog about why I watched as much of the program as I did: in the introduction to the episode, the intrepid Jeff Corwin was startled by something as he stepped gingerly through a swamp, at which point he yelped and did a funny tip-toe jump. Wade was the last dude I saw do that manoeuvre, and it was when John and I were jumping out of a row of corn when a group of us visited the haunted Belmont corn maze at night. Now, I don't want to imply that I wouldn't have a similar reaction to slimy things lurking in a swamp, but then again, I don't have a globe-trotting animal-wrangling show on Discovery.

Speaking of HD Discovery, while I appreciate that they seem to have fewer commercials than other network channels, I am quite bored by the lack of variety. The only commercials I ever see are for: other programs, the Panasonic Viera plasma TV, and for ordering HD Discovery. I understand the first, but as for the other two: If I can see your commercial, you can reasonably assume I already have an HD TV, and I already subscribe to your station. For the love of god, please show me a beer commercial.