Monday, February 21, 2011

Surfer Dude

I don't even like water sports. In fact the one time I tried water skiing, I managed to get a water jet from an outboard motor funneled directly into my trachea. No, I'm referring to the weather system carrying a winter storm on which I rode from Illinois to Ontario all day Sunday, like I was surfing the crest of a wave of snow squalls. What can be as little as a six hour drive took me ten in my 2001 Ford Focus. I had the good sense to put snow tires on my car, but I was still uneasy with changing lanes -- even when the other lane was identifiable, I would have still had to contend with that ridge of snow that always forms between lanes and causes you to lose traction when you cross it.

Most of the cars on the road were driving with appropriate caution - at about half the posted speed limit. Those that weren't: I suppose those were among the couple of dozen cars I saw in the ditches. Still, every now and again, I would get passed by a large truck, kicking up snow and blanketing me and my tiny car. I kept thinking of this ad, which must hold the record for the ad campaign with the longest run:

In case you're wondering, Mac sends in for a FREE book, gets buff and assaults the guy who kicked sand at him (probably the previous summer, because you can't put on that much bulk in a season). Then he's hailed as hero of the beach. There's probably a counter-ad campaign in a law journal where a dumb jock gets socked in the face but he doesn't know how to file a lawsuit. Man, I wish I had my tablet with me. That would be an awesome spoof. Any takers?