Monday, August 23, 2010

I came across this link on the Ceeb this afternoon about a Canadian company that is making a "Cannabis electric car". Scrolling down the page, I found great humour in the heading, Colleges to help build cars. It seems like the perfect ecosystem: a bunch of stoners fumbling their way through a liberal arts college create a demand for weed. The non-narcotic parts of the plant get used to make the vehicles that they stoners can drive to score some more weed.

Bonus reference: It must be a perfect storm of the low frequency of the word topples plus the context of Amsterdam, den of debauchery, but I keep reading Anne Frank tree topples in Amsterdam as a story about Anne Frank going topless. I'm no pervert, so I hesitated before I read the actual story. It would be kind of neat to get one of those tree clones, though.