Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I just read, to my horror, that Facebook has been asked to remove the scrabulous application. As I am presently in the middle of a 4-person game (waiting on Bridget, nudge, nudge), I am afraid that the application will go down in the middle of the game, leaving me with a big hole in my soul. Well, maybe I won't be that impacted, but I will be irritated at the lack of closure.

Thus, anticipating the imminent demise of Scrabulous, I am recording, for the sake of posterity, my Scrabulous record:

RatingPlayingCompletedWonLostDrawnBest Bingo
15771242310WEIRDOs for 97 points

Over my 24 games, I played 23 Bingos, which probably contributed to my favourable record. Most of the bingos occurred within the first couple of plays, as it becomes more difficult to play out 7 tiles as the board fills up. As good as my record is, a number of my opponents have bingos in their records that shame mine, so I was always aware that the game could swing at any time. My loss was to Vivian, though I have some barely eeked-out wins against Rebecca (in one ridiculous game, she racked up 3 bingos, and I only beat her because I played a fourth near the very end), Tony Augustine, Kevin Suarez and Jon Wong.

I had a love/hate relationship with scrabulous, but at least now I will be wasting less time on Facebook.


Vivian Cheng said...

I'm honoured that I am the only one who has ever won against you. I think it speaks of my superior spelling skills. ;)

Chris said...

I'm about to lose a second game